
News Flash! Very Little of What is Said to You is Personal

News Flash! Very Little of What is Said to You is Personal


In a world where we are often immediately offended by what someone else says, it is powerful to consider that, in reality, very little of the rudeness, snide comments and criticisms that are part of the darker side of human communication is ever really about us. More often than not, the hurtful verbiage is filtered through the other person’s perceptions and biases – Good News then!  We are free not to take things personally !!


Although that sounds easy when you hear it, there are some deeper reactive places within us that need to hear the message more clearly.  Here are a few tips from Contemplative Monk’s social media page that offer encouragement to walk away emotionally from the urge to retaliate in kind when someone ruffles your sensitivities:


Realise that other people’s rudeness is not about you. When someone is rude, it’s likely to be a reflection of their own issues.

-Ask yourself what else the comment or behavior might mean. For example, if someone doesn’t smile or say hello, they might be shy

-Take comments or criticisms in a constructive way. Ask yourself if there’s any truth to it and what you can learn.

-Take a different perspective. Ask yourself how an unbiased outsider would see the situation

-Realise that you cannot please everyone

-Know that you are not defined by your mistakes or criticism from another

-Realise that your self-worth depends on you. It does not depend on what others say about you.



Breath out your vulnerability and Be Free,


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