
Being With Chaos – Learning to Grow

Being With Chaos – Learning to Grow


In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order ~ CG Jung


In science, chaos theory suggests that within the apparent random behaviour of matter, there is an underlying pattern toward organisation. The ‘self-organization’ principle states that order can spontaneously arise out of a disordered system. Think of the natural tendency of crystals to form out of separate molecules or the phenomenon of individual birds to swarm into coherent and spectacular patterns in flight.


When chaos erupts in life and introduces unpredictability and difficult challenges that seem beyond your control, this same potential for order and transformation to emerge from upheaval is possible.


All great changes are preceded by chaos ~ Deepak Chopra


One generator of chaos in life is change – you move to a new city, start a new job, are awarded a promotion, get married or divorced, suffer loss, experience trauma or welcome new life into the world. No matter its origins, change can bring up fear, uncertainty, and insecurities and can turn a peaceful, well-ordered life completely upside down.


Change can be overwhelming and can make it difficult to discern any order in the noise, especially in your own thoughts. So, how do you act in the midst of chaotic change and, more importantly, how do you learn and grow from such an experience?


Does your worry drive you to panic and attempt to fix everything? …Lay awake at night figuring out how to control the situation? …Look to others for their view and advice?


Your Chaos Toolkit

Learning how to separate from the dramatic stories you tell yourself about the situation as well as accepting the reality of the upheaval you are facing can bring balance and help you deal more effectively with the unpleasant or difficult circumstances.


So you can support graceful progress through turmoil, here are some helpful habits you can develop even before chaos visits your life:


  • Commit to finding moments of peace in each day so that in the midst of chaos, the practice will be automatic;
  • Use conscious breathing to invite patience and to remain flexible and calm even when things come undone;
  • Carry and use calming and focusing essential oils;
  • Build your home as a sanctuary of peace and order;
  • Gift yourself with a ‘media-free’ day – shut off stimulus –tv, social media;
  • Develop a ‘not mine’ mindset to deflect what chaos belongs to others;
  • Embrace daily meditation…try this short one:

Find a special place in your home or outside where you can sit quietly. As you close your eyes, become aware of the external sounds then slowly bring your attention to your breath, your body and breathe into places of any physical tension.
Appreciate your aliveness and feel physically present in the moment. Pay attention to your heart beating, your hands in your lap, the chair in which you are sitting.

Breathe in and out for a few minutes while repeating to yourself, “May I thrive in the chaos. May I find peace in my life. May all be well.” Continue this for 5 minutes.

  • Write about positive experiences; send a note of gratitude to someone you care about or draw or write about what makes you feel calm and centered;
  • Practice seeing yourself floating above the turmoil and being untouched by the circumstances.


What Can Chaos Teach You?

Dealing head-on with chaos and wading into it rather than running from it can create profound changes in your life. You learn how to:

  • stay centered, grounded and rooted in the face of disturbing challenges;
  • trust in the personal growth outcomes that result from accepting chaos as part of the ebb and flow of life. When you meet upset and discord in this way, you have faith in the impermanence of chaos;
  • let go of resentment, irritation, hurt or anger and the associated stories that surround disorder;
  • feel and express emotions and navigate the changes without losing inner peace and stability;
  • adjust your approach to circumstances that you cannot change and still remain balanced in well-being. 


Love and Chaos

Inviting the frequency of love to arise in the midst of chaos helps add value into the world no matter what the circumstances. In moments of fear and disorientation, letting your heart’s wisdom lead the way will always bring you through the pandemonium and into personal peace and expansion. 


Under the chaos lies a state of order in your mind, heart, with those around you and with nature ~ unknown


Suggested viewing: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalRescueCommittee/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED


Feel free to share your thoughts about managing chaos in your life and be sure to visit www.johnstamoulos.com to find out more about the healing power of your breath through the powerful process of Breathwork.






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