
The Wabi Sabi of Productivity and Rest

The Wabi Sabi of Productivity and Rest

The Wabi Sabi of Productivity and Rest

Taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective ~ Doe Zantmata

It is a hurry-scurry world in which we live where we are often compelled either externally or internally to run at maximum efficiency every second of every day. We have been instructed to believe that the value of our existence is wholly dependent upon how efficient and productive we are and we often accept the badge of  “Hard Worker” as the highest honor that can be bestowed upon us.

But…At what cost?    Continual work without rest will eventually take its toll on your body and your sense of wellbeing in the form of illness, burnout or breakdown.

It is interesting to consider that even when you engage in such ordinary activities such as staring out the window while the coffee is perking, you are actually giving your brain a moment to clear…

The following article provides some thoughtful ideas on how to generate balance between the effort you put out and the moments that need you to simply give your brain a rest and do nothing

Conscious breathing exercises can also ‘reset’ the logjam of activity and pushing to produce

When you find yourself in need to a break, try this technique:

Simple Breathing Exercise:

  1. ​Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. Keep your shoulders relaxed. …
  2. Exhale slowly through your mouth. As you blow air out, purse your lips slightly but keep your jaw relaxed. …
  3. Repeat this breathing exercise. Do it for several minutes until you start to feel better.

Resting and doing nothing are powerful steps to becoming more focused and productive,

Breathe, be energized and focused


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